Friday, April 29, 2011

Healthy Cakes

Have you ever felt like you're craving for cakes but guilty of the aftermath? Cakes out there whether from restaurants or bakeries are so sweet even if stated reduced-sugar. So the best way to settle this is to Do It Yourself. It is super duper simple, I swear. I got a lot of compliments and was so proud of it that at one point I make it almost once a week. hehe. Then I got lazy and stopped; now my dad kept complaining there's nothing nice for him to snack on.

You will need :-

Ingredient A
275g Margarine
180g Sugar, preferable brown sugar
230g Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp Coffee Paste (Or any flavour of your choice)

Ingredient B
5 Whole Eggs

Ingredient C (Optional)
Nibbled Almonds or Chocolate Chips

Step 1 # Cream A + C till well blend, Just use a mixer and dump everything together

Step 2 # Add B gradually and continue mix it for about 4 to 5 minutes at medium speed

Step 3 # Pour the mixture into mold/cupcake cups anything you want

Step 4 # Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes but do check it on and off; test with a skewer/toothpick.

In the oven for 5 minutes

In the oven for 15 minutes.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Double Eyelid Tape

I admit I have small-single-eyelid, double eyelid tapes had been with me for years and I literally cant live without it. It really takes time to learn how to stick it properly. I've used glues and tapes and I find single sided tapes works best for me because glu and double sided tapes shows the fold when you close your eyes and I hate that. One more thing is when you start sweating, the glu and double sided tape detaches from your lids easier than single sided tape. So how do you ensure your double eyelid tape stays on all day?

Our eyelids naturally secretes oil to moisturize our skin and prevents bacteria infections. And when this happens, the sticky side of the tape will slip and slide, this is when disasters happens. Especially in Malaysia, where its often hot and humid, we tend to sweat a lot. Yes, your eyelids have sweat glands too. Imagine you going on your first date, your double eyelid slips! Your eye will definitely looked.... ... . ..... Weird. Omg, weird doesn't even do it justice. Its horrible.

What I normally do is I apply a sheer colour eyeliner like Maybelline 2-in-1 Impact Shadow Liner, or sometimes if I'm wearing a smokey eye I'll just use pencil liner to line my lids and blend it out. What this does is it creates a tacky surface that holds your tape securely in place.

helps control oily lids! Urban Decay Primer Potion is often raved by beauty gurus on youtube and it always runs out of stock. You cant really get it from beauty stores here, but you can always get it online. I hope Sephora near Star Hill carries it! Definitely check it out!
Next you can do is moisturize your eyes after you remove your make up and also before bed. I know you're probably confused. Let me explain. You see, when your lids are dry, your glands will naturally produce more oil to moisturize it. So when it has enough moisture, less oil will be produced!

I hope this post helps! Stay pretty! ^^

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sinus relief

Ahhhh-chooo! Sniff-sniff

Having a running nose often? Annoyed? Me too and so does over 35 million people around the world. Its sinus. There are a lot of causes of sinus. Sinusitis can be caused by colds, allergies, problems with your immune system or structural problems in the nasal cavities. Any infection of the nasal passages that cause it to swell can affect the opening of the sinuses. I got mine from both of my parents. Awesome present man. Thus, I have the ability to finish a box of 200 ply tissue in just 2 days if my sinus goes ku-ku.

Anyways, throughout the years, I have a couple ways to relief sinuses =)

1~ Avoiding smoke and pollution (dust), you are helping to keep the nasal passageways clear to expel this fluid.

2~ Steamy warm air from humidifier, face steamer, bath or hot beverages gives you temporary relief because dry air makes sinus issue even worse. You can also use a bowl of steaming water and add some essential oil, put a towel over your head and breathe in the steaming water for about 10 minutes.

3~Spice up your food helps to drain and unclogged your nasal cavity. Add a bit of pepper, hot salsa, chillies in your food provides some relief.

4~ Water! Drinking water is very essential as it keeps secretions thinner, allowing them to be removed easily without pain from sinus congestion.

5~ Boost immune systen with vitamins. Vitamin C is well known for boosting immune system. You can add supplements to your diet or eating more food which contains high concentration of Vitamin C such as lemon, kiwi, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, papaya, orange and strawberries!

6~ Eat right and sleep well is very helpful. Your body will be better able to fight off sinus infections before they occur.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Have a piece of happy-booster

It is often been told that eating apple keeps the doctor away; while eating chocolate makes you happy. Almost everyone loves chocolate. I mean come on, who ever says no to Ferrero Rocher? Do you? O.O It's been a one of the most delicious confectionery creations ever made in human history for decades and the trend never fades. Recent researches proven that chocolates contributes to a better health with moderate, CONTROLLED consumption. Say yay! So what benefits does chocolate brings?

#1 Prevents tooth decay
Surprised? Well you better be. Haha! Chocolate actually contains antibacterial components that can actually help prevent cavities and tooth decay rather than promoting it. But please, still do brush your teeth before bed with a proper tooth paste okay? :)

#2 Antioxidants!
Flavonoids - acts as an antioxidant that fights cell damage, combat stress, protects the body from aging caused by free radicals which might result in heart diseases. But if you are eating chocolate for getting those antioxidants then it’s has to be dark chocolate. Dark chocolates contains a large number of cell-protecting antioxidants which are natural compounds found in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body.

#3 Stimulant
Chocolate increases serotonine level in the brain which decreased in people with depression and in those experiencing PMS symptoms. Chocolate stimulates the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasureable sensation similar to the "runner's high" a jogger feels after running several miles. Translate? It makes you happy!

#4 Good for your heart
A small piece of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and cholesterol which results in a lower chance in getting heart diseases.

Ahhhh~ Grabbing a bar already? As much as I hate to pop the bubble.

Yes. Chocolate is very addictive. Similar to sugar- a lot of people are addicted to sugar. Then caffeine- and everyone knows about the caffeine addiction very well. Last but very important, chocolate does contain a substance called theobromine that is deadly to animals such as horses, dogs, cats etc. Humans have the ability to metabolise and eliminate the theobromine much better than animals. So it’s not deadly for us. A tiny bit of it can make them sick and too much of it actually can cause death. Don’t give chocolate to your pets or any animals for that matter. Sharing is not always a good thing, in this case.

Chocolate is also a high calorie food. With fats and sugar you are getting a lot of calories but not getting any fibre, enzymes or vitamins. If you consume an average chocolate bar that contains about 220 calories; now if you consume the same amount of calories from the fruits, with all the calories you’ll get fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals minus all other bad or harmful properties that chocolate contains.

SO just control your consumption and indulge in the awesomeness of chocolate!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Beware of the fat food trap

A lot of times, we find ourselves working hard on cutting down junk food; eat healthy low fat food, counting calories, AVOIDING ice cream, yadiyadiyada.. And the best part? That needle just wouldn’t drop 0.01kg! It is not our fault, fake health products often overwhelmed the market, tricking innocent people like us into believing low-fat-foods are equivalent to healthy food.

Energy dense foods tend to be less feeling, so you’re more likely to snack again. Many people tend to take in a larger portion of food labeled ‘low fat’, taking in more calories in the diet. When manufacturing fat-free food, fats are often substituted with sugar and starch. Reduced-fat products contains more kilojoules than usual in every bite, thus our body converts more excess kilojoules into fats. Feel like fainting? Hold on! Let me tell you the rest before I call the ambulance.

#1 Bread

White bread, whole meal bread and wheat bread! Bread lovers often have hard time controlling their surge to splurge on a couple more slice of bread a day. Bread is not evil; it just tends to be hard to control for people who love it. You can always substitute with grains such as whole-wheat pasta, wild rice with veggies.

#2 Flavored yogurt

Same theory as above, you’ll often spoil yourself with extra bottles of yogurt. Try plain yogurt and add your own choice of fresh fruits.

#3 Breakfast cereal

A very dangerous snack if you eat it straight out of the box as you tends to munch on way too much of it in one day. Even the healthy, high-fiber cereals can increase the day’s calorie count and halt people’s weight loss. Eat it with skim milk has fewer calories than eating on eats own as you feel full.

#4 White rice

It takes more white rice than brown to make you feel satisfied because white rice has to fiber. So? Eat brown rice lo, it contains more vitamins too and fiber that helps you to feel full.

#5 Juicy food

Avoid food that have lower water content such as butter, bacon, crackers and nutrition bars which tend to be very high in calories. And you think nutrition bars are awesome treats? Pfttt~

#6 Don’t stock

Limit the amount of food you order in advance, it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to signal you that you’re full. So before you call the waiter and order more food, give it a good 20 minutes and do something else. And don’t forget to chew your food! Chewing helps to feel full and satisfied.