The previous post was some techniques on how to boost your metabolism, but on top to that, consuming these food aids your weight loosing effort and you can stop scratching your head thinking what to eat when your stomach is drumming.
Spinach - Popeye always say spinach makes you strong and he was right! Look as his *ehem* muscles~ XD In addition, it speeds up your metabolism, good source of antioxidant, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

Turkey - Protein-rich meat helps build lean muscle tissue that helps burn more calories.
Soy Milk - Loaded with calcium that boost metabolism but keep your hands off sweetened varieties.

Oatmeal - It takes your body a long time to break down this fat-soluble fiber, it lowers your body insulin level and speeds up metabolism.

Yogurt - Packed with protein, which your body will require a lot of energy to process, pro-biotic culture helps regulate digestive system.

Green tea - Main source of epigallocatechin gallate, known as EGCG. Speeds up your brain and nervous system, cause body to burn more calories.

Curry - Increase the amount of calories burnt and speeds up metabolism.

Cinnamon - Metabolize sugar, maintain steadier blood sugar level, lowers cholesterol.

Hamster loves BROCCOLI!

Broccoli - Highly effective metabolism boosting team of nutrient: calcium, vitamin c!

Beans - Low in fat, packed with calcium, protein, keeps you full for long period and your body must burn extra calories in order to process these fiber-rich food :)

Apples - An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Like grapefruit, low calorie snack, high in fiber which your body must burn calories to break down, plus it helps you stay full longer. But I'm pretty positive that I wont be eating apples like these below :/ Damn scary!

Almonds - Essential fatty acids, helps raise body's metabolism. Just don't ever sit on a couch watching movie with a whole box of it in hand, you might over eat it and it's very very high in calories~

Spinach - Popeye always say spinach makes you strong and he was right! Look as his *ehem* muscles~ XD In addition, it speeds up your metabolism, good source of antioxidant, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

Turkey - Protein-rich meat helps build lean muscle tissue that helps burn more calories.

Soy Milk - Loaded with calcium that boost metabolism but keep your hands off sweetened varieties.

Oatmeal - It takes your body a long time to break down this fat-soluble fiber, it lowers your body insulin level and speeds up metabolism.

Yogurt - Packed with protein, which your body will require a lot of energy to process, pro-biotic culture helps regulate digestive system.

Green tea - Main source of epigallocatechin gallate, known as EGCG. Speeds up your brain and nervous system, cause body to burn more calories.

Curry - Increase the amount of calories burnt and speeds up metabolism.

Cinnamon - Metabolize sugar, maintain steadier blood sugar level, lowers cholesterol.

Hamster loves BROCCOLI!

Broccoli - Highly effective metabolism boosting team of nutrient: calcium, vitamin c!

Beans - Low in fat, packed with calcium, protein, keeps you full for long period and your body must burn extra calories in order to process these fiber-rich food :)

Apples - An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Like grapefruit, low calorie snack, high in fiber which your body must burn calories to break down, plus it helps you stay full longer. But I'm pretty positive that I wont be eating apples like these below :/ Damn scary!

Almonds - Essential fatty acids, helps raise body's metabolism. Just don't ever sit on a couch watching movie with a whole box of it in hand, you might over eat it and it's very very high in calories~

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