Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hurts when your best friend visits?

You will get what my topic means if you're a girl. As for guys, if you wanna know more, continue reading and trust me, you will definitely be a better boyfriend. Yes, you have my word for that ^^

Primary dysmenorrhea, more commonly known as menstrual pain are sharp pains in a woman's lower abdomen occurs during menstrual period, sometimes it continues for 2 to 3 days. Symptoms varies from a mild annoyance, like mine; to severe pain that interferes daily activities. My aunt was one of the poor victim, when she was young, it was so serious that she have to stay in bed for the whole first day of period; and I am pretty sure there are girls experiencing these problems.

What causes it?
Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by the production of prostaglandins by tissues that lines the uterus. These chemicals stimulate uterine to contract, thus triggers the pain.

Often, the pain gets better as a women gets older or after she has a child. You're probably thinking: wtf! I am only 18 and you said the pain gets better after I gift birth?! There there, *hug hug* That's not the only way~ ^^

Treatment Options

#1 Calcium
~Beans, Almonds, Dark green leafy vege such as spinach and kale!
Calcium is needed for healthy bones and may also help reduce menstrual pain because it helps maintain muscle tone

#2 Axtioxidants
~Fruits such as blueberries, cherries;
~Vegetables such as tomato, squash, bell pepper.

#3 Avoid refine foods
~White bread, pastas, sugar

#4 Red meat alert
~Reduce your consumption of red meat; more lean meats and cold-water fish, tofu or soy if you're not allergic to it

#5 Oils
~ Use healthy cooking oils such as olive oil, vegetable oil; Flaxseed Oil is highly recommended!

#6 Avoid
~Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco!
These above aren't healthy for you anyways =)

#7 Water, water and more water!
~Yeap, water again. Your body is made out of 80% water! Not only that it flushes out toxins, water lubricants your cells.

#8 Move it, move it!
~Exericse at least 30 minutes daily for 5 days a week. Your muscle relax and contracts more flexible and thus, reduces menstrual pain.

#9 Avoid cold drinks, food.
~Bet your mom told you before, never listen? Hahaha.. It's true, think about it, when its cold an object contracts, when its hot an object expands. Same thing goes to your uterine muscles. Well I'm not telling you to totally avoid cold food, just try not to eat it too often. Personally, I am a huge fan of ice cream! Avoiding it? That's probably gonna give me serious depression!

#10 Self care at home
The best way to relieve painful menstrual cramps is to take an anti-inflammatory medication

Ibuprofen - Advil is a familiar brand name
Naproxen - Aleve, Naproxen
Ket0profen - Orudis

These are available without prescription and are effective in blocking effects of prostaglandins

#11 Last solution
Seek medical care. Most women have significant improvement with home care, however if it still doesn't help you should call your health care provider especially if these happens

1. Menstrual cramp continues to be painful for longer than usual
2. Pain suddenly goes worse or different from what experienced before
3. Bleeding excessive
4. Signs of infection such as fever, chills, body aches
5. Menstrual cramps began in a women older than 25 years

That's all for this post ladies! Happy period? :)

1 comment:

  1. There are testimonials that Gochi juice does help to relieve menstration pain.
