In addition to the traditional Mediterranean fruit is also now fixed the presence of exotic fruit, which is often chosen by many consumers though, there is to say, the price is not always accessible. Certainly the most famous include pineapple, avocado, mango, papaya and dates.
But how do you characterize these fruits nutritional level, and what are the most nutrient-rich benefits?
The pineapple, exotic fruit is probably the best known and most often has been regarded as a food can burn fat. In fact we think that this property is due to the presence of an enzyme (bromelain) can help digestion of protein. This enzyme is rather unstable, as there is nell’ananas canned or cooked or caramelized. In addition to simple sugars typical of fruit, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamins A and C are present in good quantity. 100 g of pineapple provides about 40 calories.
The avocado instead has a rather high content of fat and protein. 100 grams of this fruit are able to provide 200 kcal. It ‘widely used for vegetarian diets and is widely used for the production of sauces (especially Mexican). There are many fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K) and also water-soluble (B1 and B2).
In addition to a laxative, diuretic and antibiotic, mango contains large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, calcium as well. Each 100g provides about 60 calories.
The characteristics of papaya are very similar to those of the mango. The are only 40 calories per 100 grams, while good are the percentages of vitamins A and C. In addition it contains papain helps digestion. This property complements other typical papaya (antibiotic and vermifuge).
The date, unlike the previous ones, the result is a high calorific value, but also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
You certainly do not expect the daily consumption of these fruits, but it is recommended at least taking them into consideration, given their nutritional properties.
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